A Case For Whole Food Supplements

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is missing in many crucial dietary additives. Being largely composed of prepackaged, convenience ingredients with few certainly grown meals merchandise; this weight loss program has contributed to an endemic of no longer best weight problems however additionally excessive nutritional deficiency. While many commercially to be had vitamin and mineral dietary supplements exist, they are synthetic in an artificial way that reduces bioavailability and promotes chemical infection. As Americans aren’t likely to go back to eating domestic grown food directly from their garden, the solution to the nutritional deficiency of America can be observed in Whole Food Supplements that are nutrition, mineral and phytonutrient wealthy merchandise crafted from actual meals concentrates.

The Problem with the Standard American Diet

In the primary part of the 1900’s maximum Americans ate a healthful, whole food eating regimen due to the fact that they had no preference. All meals changed into grown either by using the family or received from at once local sources. America in the 1900’s became a in large part agrarian society with the general public residing in rural regions and able to grow their very own meals. During the closing century, a huge migration to city areas has befell. This has meant that even though one has the desire, most people now not have the capability to supply self grown meals. Either because there’s no land or due to the fact many do not recognise how, very few people have a garden or even fewer produce protein inside the form of dairy products and animal husbandry.

In spite of this developing migration, at some stage in World War II, households had been encouraged to have a “victory garden”. This changed into now not to make sure that Americans had a wonderful eating regimen however clearly to make certain that American households could feed themselves at all, at the same time as permitting most of business food production to be sent to the troops overseas. That become the closing length in records that America were given maximum in their vitamins from locally grown food.

Beginning around the 1950’s, Americans did begin to understand the cost of nutrients and minerals inside their food regimen. This becomes discovered because increasingly more pre-organized, especially processed food merchandise have become to be had and dietary deficiencies started to emerge.


After the cease of World War II, many families became -income families. In addition, many extra single dad and mom are actually elevating children through themselves. This means that during most houses, all of the adults present in anyone family are possibly hired outside of the home full-time leaving little time for food education by myself plenty less any time for food manufacturing. America has become a convenience food state ingesting an awful lot of the food regimen from unnatural meals assets.

Prepackaged and smooth to prepare meals products are just that, food “merchandise”. Though they’ll include carbohydrates, proteins, fats and a few “essential” nutrients, they may be not actual meals. The complete food deliver chain is rife with contamination and chemical processing and plenty of Americans are ignorant of how little nutritional price the meals that they consume each day incorporates. So tons exposure and training has focused at the so-called meals pyramid. The governmental and educational corporations that have devised an appropriate American weight-reduction plan have in no way honestly addressed the dearth of vitamins, apart from the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of primary vitamins and minerals which include Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Calcium.

While these RDA stages of nutrition and mineral consumption can be an absolute backside line important to keep away from obvious sicknesses of deficiency together with scurvy or rickets, they’re hardly ok and do now not replicate however a small portion of the nutrients contained in complete food, important for merchandising of health and prevention of disorder.

A Crisis in America: Obesity and Other Diseases inside the Face of Malnutrition

The most important consciousness of the American weight-reduction plan in recent years has become reducing fats and increasing carbohydrates inside the weight loss plan. This movement of idea turned into intended to reduce the developing epidemic of obesity but over the last 20 years, obesity has risen into numbers that seem like a disaster for Americans. In truth, over the last 20 years the variety of grownup Americans who are overweight has risen by 60% to an extraordinary degree of almost 35% of American adults being considered obese. A plenty worse state of affairs is that a similar range of approximately 32% of American children qualify as overweight or overweight. For the primary time in American records, the existence expectancy of these kids can be decrease than that in their mother and father or grandparents.

This has brought about a virulent disease of heart sickness, diabetes and other weight associated issues happening in report numbers no longer most effective in adults however seen in children as young as 18 months of age. Additional illnesses that can be associated with a loss of suitable nutrients other than simple nutrients in American diets might also consist of a huge variety of conditions ranging from immune disorders implicated in situations consisting of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, and Cancer to Psychiatric and neurological situations inclusive of ADHD, Autism and Depression.

Most humans agree with that obesity happens truly due to the fact people devour too much. While this is real in the element, obesity also consequences from continuously consuming the incorrect forms of meals. In the 1900s whilst Americans were eating an in large part natural, whole food diet directly from the farm to table, weight problems become an exceedingly uncommon prevalence.

As our weight loss program has modified from an agrarian society’s nutrient wealthy meals supply to the urbanized particularly processed, synthetic meals, our general food intake has risen. This is in component due to the fact, though the frame gets more calories from extra food, it’s far nevertheless starved of vitamins causing one to consume even greater. In addition, in our sedentary lifestyle our-our bodies really need less food than when we lived and labored every day on the farm, but we nonetheless devour more because of lack of right vitamins, abundance of effortlessly received processed meals and other mental situations which include strain consuming. In the stop, America has emerge as a kingdom of those who are obese but still malnourished and disorder ridden.

An Attempt to Fix the Problem

The ideal weight-reduction plan certainly might be that of returning to whole food “farm to table” consuming where families either develop their very own meals and prepare it within minutes of harvesting or at a minimum achieve locally grown meals from the market and put together it inside a day or so of harvesting. In cutting-edge society this is not possible. Even while clean veggies and fruits are ate up as a huge portion of the weight-reduction plan, our nation’s food deliver is contaminated by way of the usage of pesticides, herbicides and hormones and lots of the nutrient price is misplaced by using transportation of the food crop from hundreds of miles away. Food is harvested before it’s far sincerely ripe, irradiated, saved bloodless and transported throughout states, countries or even oceans before it arrives in our grocery shops as tasteless, substandard, nutrient-negative produce.

Many people try to consume simplest organic, domestically grown produce for this reason. While this will be an development over the dietary cost of the standard American food plan, it’s far nearly usually a lot extra steeply-priced and therefore unaffordable for lots and unavailable for others as most markets do now not attention on obtaining such merchandise. So this attempt, at the same time as Valiant, is still now not enough.

The exact news about the American nutritional situation is that it is pretty clean to restoration. Given suitable nutrients, the human frame has an extraordinary capacity to heal itself. Many diseases and situations because of overconsumption and malnourishment may be without difficulty corrected by way of supplementation with entire meals nutritional products.

As Americans cannot rely on the meals supply to offer good enough nutrients and additionally can’t count on the source, first-class and purity of most commercially available dietary supplements, the best answer seems to lie in entire food supplementation.

What is a Whole Food Supplement?

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Whole food supplements are defined as dietary supplements derived absolutely from food. This is a mile more herbal and beneficial method of acquiring nutrition from meals and natural dietary supplements alike.

Unfortunately, maximum commercially available dietary supplements which includes nutrients, minerals and herbal products are made completely of unmarried element extracts or worse, artificially synthesized in a lab the use of chemical procedures. While synthesized supplements might also in reality provide primary nutrients and minerals recognised to be essential, artificially organized merchandise are missing a number of the alkaloids, antioxidants and phytochemicals which are concept to play a major function in whole nutrients and disease prevention.


Troublemaker. Wannabe music fanatic. Beer aficionado. Devoted food junkie. Twitter fan. Freelance thinker.Won several awards for analyzing sheep in Cuba. Spent 2002-2009 promoting action figures in the UK. What gets me going now is getting to know pond scum in the UK. Won several awards for investing in toy soldiers on the black market. Spent several months getting my feet wet with spit-takes in Gainesville, FL. Spent 2002-2009 testing the market for tobacco in the aftermarket.